Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More favorite pictures

I got a new camera last year and I absolutely love it. Here are a few more of my favorite pictures. Just a hobby really.


We all make choices every day. What street to take to avoid traffic. What type of coffee to buy (if you do that, it's a luxury for me). Staying home with a sick child or go to work. I stick by my mantra everything happens for a reason. I sometimes wish I did have more help, but other times I am fine getting things done on my own.
For the last two days I have had to leave work to be home with a sick child. It is not that I don't want to be home with her. I hear this from so many working moms. When we are work we miss the kids (okay maybe not all of the time). When we are at home on a day like today we know what we are missing at work and know that we will be behind on our return. Of course on the flip side I am always behind at home. I know it will never be perfect. My choice now is to do what I can and stay dedicated to both and try not to feel too guilty when I may have to ignore one or the other.
I have many friends that are stay at home moms and I know there job is hard too. Having kids is hard, but the rewards are greater too. Teaching is the same. You begin to care for the students and hope that they do well. You hope that you leave them with more understanding of the world than they had at the bus stop that morning. Just as you hope that your children will have a better understanding of the world when they leave the nest. I have made a choice to be many things at once. I have learned the true meaning of multitasking.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


So my friend Andrew keeps bugging me to put some photos on the net. Here are a few of my favorites. Some with the old camera and some with the new. Double click the picture to see it bigger.

Why am I sharing?

To answer this I am not quite sure why I am sharing. Recently I have been watching Julie and Julie and enjoying reading my cousin's blog. Blogs are interesting and I have been told by a few that I have the potential to be a good writer (maybe). I think that regular everyday people are interesting and we all have those daily adventures that make us who we are. I am hoping to share some of those adventures with a little humor, photos, and fun. I hope my family and friends enjoy and maybe somebody else can relate.