Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I really enjoy summer. Yes I am working a little and do not have everyday, all day off, but that's okay. It's okay because it makes me enjoy summer even more when I am not working and it helps to keep me sane. I love spending as much time as possible with my kids. Let's face it friends.. Mommies need a break. I think back at my childhood summers. My mom made sure we were occupied and still seemed to stay sane. Not sure how that always happend, but she did.
I on the other hand have stated that I am not perfect, I am normal and occasionally my children drive me a little crazy. This week though, is quiet because they are away. Sometimes it's too quiet and I miss them terribly. They have been away before, but this time is different because my oldest is at sleep away camp for the first time. My favorite moment at drop off. Speaking to a parent whose daughter is in the same cabin as mine and I asked, "Is this your daughter's first time at camp?" She replies "No it is her second year, what about you?". My response, "first time". She looks at me and said,"Are YOU doing okay?" I said I was but as we were walking away from the cabin leaving our very excited daughter behind I did shed some tears. My husband looked at me with a smile and I told him I couldn't help it.
Summer is a time for adventures and learning new things. I am excited about my daughter getting to seriously ride horses for the first time and for my younger one to gain more confidence in the pool. I wish I could freeze frame this summer, but I know I can't. I can take lots of picutres and write down many memories. I hope that my children fondly remember their summers as much as I remember mine.