Sunday, April 29, 2012

Family Camping

I love camping with my family. Spending time outside and ignoring the outside world (for the most part) it is a passion of mine. There are so many that don't like being outdoors, I get it. To each it's own. I just experienced another great camping experience at Vogel State Park. This just adds to our many family adventures, those that have already happened and those yet to come.
The people you meet in a campground are very interesting. You have the other families with kids that end up being your children's best friend for a few days. The retired couple that spend two weeks out at a time every year. The camp host couple that volunteers several months a year to help out the temporary residents and help with the up keep of the park.
This past trip my favorite was the couple that was a few sites up from us. We were on a corner lot. Not the most ideal but not having every been to this park before but it was a good choice for as packed as it was when we got there. Because we had this "corner lot" we saw this couple going by our camp everyday. The funny thing was that most of the time we were either getting ready to eat, eating, or cleaning up from eating. When you are camping this makes up at least 3 of your activites for the day. Included in each activity preparing, cooking, and cleaning up.
Each time they would walk by they would ask "what's on the menu this time?" I think they we enamered with our set up, the kids and our choices of food.
This is camping talking with fellow campers finding out what has brought them out into the woods. Some are seasoned campers some are new. We are tent campers and in this campground we were in the definate minority. That seems to peak the interest of people as well. I do have to say I have seen some pretty fancy set ups. People bringing as many of comforts outside, but the main point : They ARE outside.