Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why GPS is wonderful

So yesterday I dragged my children up to an outlet mall about an hour north of where we live. I was going along the interstate and noticed the traffic at a stand still going south. I just thought to myself, "This is not going to be fun on our way home". I thought maybe I should just turn around now, but I kept going. We got to the outlet mall and looked at the three stores on my agenda. One of the stores has camping supplies and I went with specific items in mind. Luckliy the sales guy told me they were having a HUGE truck sale that starts on Friday and I may want to check it out. So I decided not to purchase anything and wait.
As I do on most of our long car excursions, I bribe. I bribed the girls with Ice Cream if they were good in the store, they weren't perfect but not terrible. So Ice Cream it was. As we were eating our treats (yes, I had one too, it's acctually becoming a problem); I checked the GPS to see if the southbound traffic was still there. It indicated that it was. I kept going back in forth whether I would take the back roads or risk the interstate. I decided we would take the back roads. We got to Braselton, GA, a town I am relativly familiar with. I stopped in a parking lot to see if my route would change from this location. It did change slightly. As a I was driving down the winding country road we passed by the Mayfield Dairy and I told the girls "If you are good when we go back on Friday we can stop here on our way home."
Shortly after saying this I turned and was going to continue on the back roads but came upon the interstate again. I decided to get back on the big road and take my chances, it was getting later and we still had to stop by the store.
Almost holding my breath we kept going and to my relief the traffic had cleared.
If I had not had GPS and did not go the back way for a little bit I would not have remembered that the Dairy was a convient stop for us on our way home. GPS also keeps you moving instead of sitting still in traffic. My girls like looking at the rolling hills and the farms that we pass by not getting increasingly irritated by not going anywhere. I only heard "How many minutes until we get home?", once.

Summer Pictures

Pictures taken in my mom's garden. One of my favorite subjects

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Acceptance that I am not perfect

I know I am not perfect. I am not the perfect wife, I am not the perfect mother, I am not the perfect teacher. I have had a few people in my life remind me how I am not perfect. Life is not perfect. It is not simple. I hope that my children grow up happy and healthy and not too scarred. My biggest guilt right now is knowing that some people that deserve to be parents do not have the chance or have lost the chance because of terrible circumstances. I know that I have to deal with potty training yet again. I have to deal with a child who is suffering from terrible mood swings because of ADHD. I wouldn't trade it for the world, I am lucky to have beautiful children that are sweet, imaginative and fun. Yes there are many days that I feel like pulling my hair out, but I have been reminded that every moment in life is precious. Life is too short to regret anything. Again, I am not perfect and I do not pretend to be perfect. When you are a parent you can not expect to be perfect. I am happy to know that I do expect a lot from my children as far as behavior and such, but in the end I have to be accepting that they are not ALWAYS going to be perfect. It drives others crazy! I want them to strive to be their best just as my parents expected from me, but I am thankful that they never expected me to be perfect. As hard as I try I know that will never be the case. Life is messy, life is not perfect. I want to enjoy every moment with my family perfect or not perfect. There are many things I wish I could change in my life but for now I am happy being not quite perfect.