Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I am thinking about all mothers today. I have friends that have seen their children grow up and I have friends that will never get to see their children grow up. I have to say how thankful I am to have my children. Some days they drive me crazy and sometimes I don’t think I am doing the best job of being their mother. Recently my child came home from school and she had gotten in trouble. I looked at her and said “No matter what happens you need to remember what?” Her response: “That you love me.” Whatever my girls encounter I want them to always remember that.
As I have said before and as it is stated in the title of this blog; I am not perfect. I make mistakes, but I have to be thankful that my girls are happy. I want them to be happy and enjoy their lives.
With a heavy heart I do think about my friends that have lost children or have not been blessed with children for various reasons. They will not have the privilege of sharing the adventure of their life with their children. I want those friends to know that I think about you often. I hate that this would happen to anyone that had been a parent for a short time or was not able to be a parent even though they wanted to. To my friends that do want this adventure but have not had found the right person to share “that adventure with” or have just not gotten around to it yet; It will happen and I hope you enjoy is as much as I have so far. Also stated in my blog title “adventures” do happen when you have children.
I love that I have given my children great adventures whether it being: driving cross country or just having an adventure downtown. I have explained to others that I want my children to see the world for what it is. So many people do not expose their children to so much out of fear. I do not want to keep fear from me showing them the world. I am not a world traveler but I am happy that my children have been able to see so much of our own country at a young age. I hope they do keep some memories of these experiences with them forever. Pictures help.

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