Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The return of the not so perfect mom

So I have been inspired lately to start writing in my blog again. I have several friends that are really good about it and their words provide me with inspiration and a occasional chuckle when I need it.As far as the title of my blog states I am not the most perfect mother. I sometimes don’t get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. I let my kids watch T.V. probably more times than reading bedtime stories in bed. My kids sometimes get treat before dinner when they shouldn’t. Also my patience level is not where it should be. I struggle with time management as a working mother and no matter how hard a try I just can’t seem to keep my house clean ( I don’t have any professional help in this area but I am considering it.)For all of the imperfections I have, I have it pretty good; a loving husband, two beautiful children, a fabulous dog and a roof over my head and a good job. I really do have it all even if it’s not perfect.

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